Avtokamp Kekec, Bernard Kekec s.p. i Maribor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienAvtokamp Kekec, Bernard Kekec s.p.


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35b, Pohorska ulica, 2000, Maribor, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 40 665 732
internet side: cck.si
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Latitude: 46.5359305, Longitude: 15.6043503

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marie G Einarsen


    The best campimg i ever had seen. Its wifi hot chocolate fantastic peoples 💜💛💙💚

  • The dude

    The dude


    nice place with view to the hills. A bit too much crowded with vehicles, a bit weird in terms of organization... Good starting point to trekking. Good for the kids.

  • Denis Stebunov

    Denis Stebunov


    Nice and quiet place, with a great view. Friendly staff. Recommended

  • Jochem Slob

    Jochem Slob


    Good campsite, roomy places and a nice grassy field. Even in the rain the field does not get muddy. Easy walking to local bakery, supermarket and some restaurants. 10 minutes by car from Maribor center where you can find large supermarkets, shopping and the nice old town center with many terraces and restaurants.

  • Loïc Devaux

    Loïc Devaux


    Nice place, with nice grass areas. But attention people travelling in a camper or a caravan! For the price (9,5 euros by person and 4 euros for the electricity) it is clearly not worth it. This is the third place where we stopped in Slovenia, it was the most expensive one but you only have 3 hours of electricity during the evening (18-21!) we think paying 4 euros for this kind of service is completely dishonest. Of course the staff didn't warn us that this would happen. Too bad, with unlimited electricity this would have been the perfect place !

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