Azijska restavracija Tloft in Bubble tea a Ljubljana

SloveniaAzijska restavracija Tloft in Bubble tea



🕗 orari di apertura

4, Gosposvetska cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 31 412 803
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.055171, Longitude: 14.5038188

commenti 5

  • en

    Tilen Sever


    A pleasant and cosy place with good food and wide selection of tea and good ambient. It's not too expensive and the staff are very friendly.

  • Jurij Šorn

    Jurij Šorn


    Modern ambient with a lot of tasty food in offering. Personnel are nice. I recommend this place for eating solo or with friends.

  • Anita Ferjancic

    Anita Ferjancic


    A nice and modern place just off one of the main streets in Ljubljana. You can enjoy your meal or drinks in a quiet ambient.

  • Absolutely Striking

    Absolutely Striking


    Love this place... the food is hot and delicious but the coconut panna cotta is to die for. Staff are friendly and do not rush up. Service is great and the whole ambiance is perfect. This is the first time I've given 5 stars for anywhere I have eaten so well done and thanks for a great evening.

  • Monica Novljan

    Monica Novljan


    Tried to go there today, ordered meal for student and fried noodle for my husband. Review : student meal was great and coming in a good portion. Fried noodle could be a little bigger portion, especially for a hungry man :D (it is just enough but didn't make my husband full). The place is not so big, cozy, well decorated and clean. Bubble tea has awesome taste, but for us that already used to American/Asian style of drinks, we might need to request extra ice cubes. They don't have too big selection of menu, but what we ate tasted good. Minus : service is kinda slow, especially when it turned out to be the server made mistake in inputting my order. Idk why because the restaurant is not that full anyway. Was waiting pretty long. Not recommended people who want to be quick. I wish I could give 4.5 stars because in general it is a good place,just need a little improvement. Will definitely come back again for the bubble tea.

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