Društvo za promocijo Islamske kulture v Sloveniji El-Iman i Ljubljana

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SlovenienDruštvo za promocijo Islamske kulture v Sloveniji El-Iman


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190, Dunajska cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Eslovenia
kontakter telefon: +386
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0870137, Longitude: 14.514533

kommentar 5

  • Edis Smajić

    Edis Smajić


    Super mesdžid, i čini se jedini u Ljubljani. Nalazi se u suterenu objekta...

  • Zawati Talib

    Zawati Talib


    Look for EL-Iman logo outside of the building. Alhamdulillah. Lower ground of a big complex. Big and clean mosque. With main pray hall and women hall on separate hall. With toilet inside.

  • sl

    Emir Semir


    Bil sem med njimi. Zelo vljudni in odprti. Vedno čaj ali kava po molitvi. Priporočam vsem.

  • en

    ariff sa


    You can take bus no 8 passing through the main road or rent a bike which have a parking bay in front of the building. Hope that the new mosque closer to the city will be opened real soon.

  • Aswad Sabri

    Aswad Sabri


    A very modern and beautiful mosque in Ljubljana. There is a prayer room for women too. Very convenient and clean. Highly recommended to those who plan to visit and pray here. There is a big parking lot in front of the building. The mosque is located in the lower ground of the building. You need to go down the stairs/escalator, then turn left. After that, go straight till the end of the walkway then turn right. You will see a few unit of shop lots that has turned into the mosque on your left. There is a sign on the door states "El Iman Moski". Hope this will finds you well.

nærmeste Moske

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