G Design Hotel i Ljubljana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienG Design Hotel


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330, Tržaška cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenien
kontakter telefon: +386 1 200 91 00
internet side: gdesignhotel.si
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Latitude: 46.0285224, Longitude: 14.4337197

kommentar 5

  • Oner Tuyluoglu

    Oner Tuyluoglu


    Very convenient. I usually travel for business to Ljubljana, parking in city hotels is a mess, i also have very bad experiences with old premises in city hotels. G design is much affordable and pretty much ok for short stays. Room i was staying far the biggest in europe i was staying (room no:3001) Parking is also free and right in front of the hotel. The other good thing is, you can easily drive to center and drop your car to a street parking location for 3-4 hours and enjoy the city or simply take a taxi. Breakfast options were limited but still ok for a quick one.

  • Lorenzo Stoppani

    Lorenzo Stoppani


    Albergo di design - come da nome. Camere molto spaziose e di buon gusto. A cento metri un ristorantino con cucina tipica niente male.

  • de

    Andrej Fedorenko


    Ein großartig eingerichtetes Hotel. Sehr einfach mit dem Auto zu erreichen und es ist ebenfalls einfach mit dem Auto in die Innenstadt zu kommen. Frühstück nicht wirklich umfangreich aber die Ausstattung und sehr guter Kaffee punkten hier.

  • it

    Letizia Capelli


    Stanze ampie e molto moderne. Massima disponibilità e gentilezza del personale della reception. Unica pecca la colazione...un po' striminzita. Comunque lo consiglio.

  • Pavlo Voronyuk

    Pavlo Voronyuk


    Super hotel

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