Gala In a Lesce

SloveniaGala In



🕗 orari di apertura

13, Hraška cesta, 4248, Lesce, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 4 531 60 00
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.368185, Longitude: 14.1532202

commenti 5

  • Mark Volcansek

    Mark Volcansek


    Don't order lasagna here, it sucks. The pizzas are the best thing here, not sure about the other food. The waitress was nice and offered a refund for the bad lasagna.

  • Marko Matić

    Marko Matić


    Big pizzas and local beer. Recommend to have a stop pit coming back from bled or bohinj

  • Klara Ljubi

    Klara Ljubi


    When I ordered chicken salad, this is not what I expected. It looked more like chicken kebab salad. Beside that, I took grilled vegetables which were full of fat even though it should be baked on the grill. Overall, it was not too bad but beyond my expectations. Other people in a group had pizza and were very satisfied. Moreover, the restaurant had its own beer for drink in or take away. Since the restaurant was very crowded, we waited quite a long time.

  • Primos Rappl

    Primos Rappl


    Best place to eat after skiing ;) Wide variety of foods, great for family eating, salad bar, big parking... Great pizzas, a bit on the salty side, just as I like it

  • Jan Kralj

    Jan Kralj


    Quick service, kind waiters. Food is OK, nothing special but far from bad. The choice is vast.

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