Harvey Norman a Hoče

SloveniaHarvey Norman



🕗 orari di apertura

1, Bohova, 2311, Hoče, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 2 300 48 50
sito web: www.harveynorman.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.5151696, Longitude: 15.6532395

commenti 5

  • en

    Andrej Sepcic


    Nice place to shop for furniture and donestic apliances. A bit upscale and also more elegant than standard budget solutins when it comes to furniture. Nice and helpful staff

  • Laura E

    Laura E


    Great selection of products! Informed and helpful staff!

  • en

    nejc ravnjak


    Place for big and small shopping. You can find technology and also every thing you need for your apartment.

  • Ales Skerbinek

    Ales Skerbinek


    Good selection but a bit expensive for my taste. Additionally they offer photography prints but when I brought mine they couldn't print them due to unknown error. And the photos were taken by camera not cell phone. Weird.

  • Žiga Rojs

    Žiga Rojs


    A lot of parking spaces, most of them are also under the roof. Personally, I would like to see more laptop and less TV exhibits; the amount of furniture displayed is just right, and the staff is friendly. Because of nearby fields there is sometimes an unpleasant smell before the entrance to the shop. For this reason, I deduced 1 star.

Negozio di mobili più vicina

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