High school Poljane Ljubljana i Ljubljana

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SlovenienHigh school Poljane Ljubljana


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🕗 åbningstider

1, Strossmayerjeva ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 1 433 73 45
internet side: www.gimnazija-poljane.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0501012, Longitude: 14.5135797

kommentar 5

  • Catalina Oana Tudor

    Catalina Oana Tudor


    We have heard from students at this high school that it is very good. It's one of the best in Ljubljana.

  • Miha Zakotnik

    Miha Zakotnik


    This is a gimnazyum high school for locals. It is ranked quite high one of the best schools in town. They offer many programmes with emphasis either on the languages, science or art. Worth signing your kids to this school if they qualify for it.

  • Jus Koren

    Jus Koren


    Great school

  • sl

    Ljubo Jankovic


    Ima dolgo tradicijo

  • Vid Čopi

    Vid Čopi


    Went to this grammar schoo. The teachers are excellent and have a high quality standard, the clasrooms are modern and the spirit of friendliness and openness is felt among all the students. The school has one of the strongest language-related curriculums and I thoroughly recommend it.

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