Hostel Celica a Ljubljana

SloveniaHostel Celica


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🕗 orari di apertura

8, Metelkova ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 230 97 00
sito web:
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Latitude: 46.0566174, Longitude: 14.5164572

commenti 5

  • Charles Li

    Charles Li


    Very unique hostel. It has an interesting history that it used to be a jail. Staff is helpful.

  • Sina Arzany

    Sina Arzany


    It was a prison before hostel. when you go there you can still feel the atmosphere of the old prison there. the location was good. cleanness was not perfect but good. they also have a bar and restaurant and the entrance . staff are really helpful. the room was a little bit small. anyway the place used to be a prison not hotel. if you are ready for experience something new you should go there.

  • en

    Matej Počervina


    Great mini music events and awsome people, food is also great. Only 3 menus but all worth it.

  • Ibai Jimenez

    Ibai Jimenez


    Best quality/price rate. Perfect for backpackers and Students! I was there during my Erasmus in Slovenia whenever we would come to the capital for some event. It's a great place to stay, meet people and to have fun! Near Metalkova which is an area where local artists get inspired and exhibit their art! It's located next to the city center (10 min walking) and the bedrooms are cozy and clean! The staff it's friendly and the common areas are cool for chilling!

  • Gisela Foley

    Gisela Foley


    I enjoyed this hostel. Used to be a jail during the war ( Yugoslavian war) and now it is used for travelers. The bed was comfortable and the room was clean. It was also quiet..breakfast was offered for 4 euros. The outer area looks a little trashy but don't be deterred, it is actually an artistic playground for students.

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