Hostel Cukrarna v Kranj

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SlovenijaHostel Cukrarna



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9, Tavčarjeva ulica, 4000, Kranj, SI Slovenia
kontakti telefon: +386 51 788 887
spletna stran:
večji zemljevid in navodila
Latitude: 46.2400636, Longitude: 14.3564756

mnenja 5

  • Jure TheWTF

    Jure TheWTF


    We visited this establishment as a bussines trip destination. Almost everithing was perfect. The room was clean and staff was friendly but the meal in the morning was a bit of a turndown. Not fit friendly

  • Lea S

    Lea S


    PROS: We liked the location, because you have everything within a walking distance - we weren't bothered by parking 500m away from the hostel, and we were lucky enough to always get a spot. The staff are friendly and helpful (when they were there), but in general there's lots of room for improvement. CONS: Given that we've stayed here a couple of times now, it seems like things are on a slow downturn. There used to be a wider breakfast selection in the past (ham and cheese) - continental sort of breakfast. We missed croissants, sandwich ingredients and/or muesli, no black tea (at least not labelled). The noise became very unpleasant, especially in rooms facing the street - don't try to sleep with your windows open if you are a light sleeper. Fridays and Saturdays are the worst when drunk people walk by at night. Not to mention all the car traffic with loud music and the garbage collection in the early morning hours. I understand that this is not the hostel's fault, but at the same time, they could implement certain measures to minimise it (new double-glazing windows and AC in the room). The street used to be car free in the past. The rooms are cleaned too sporadically (maybe every 4-5 days or so). We are all for the preservation of the environment when it comes to towels, but vacuuming is something that should be done daily. The staff are friendly, but they are difficult to locate. The operating hours are from 8am until 10pm, but most of the time the reception is closed and you need to reach them by calling them. The beds and the lounge chairs/couches are okay, but the mattresses could use a refresh, because they are becoming too soft. There were odd characters lurking around the hostel during the day and it felt like they were living there - didn't get the impression that this was a hostel anymore, but more of a bedsit.

  • yardtamer Bernards

    yardtamer Bernards


    Best hostel ever, right in the center of the old town. Healthy breakfast included, super clean with lots of “hang out” areas inside & outside. Be sure to do the underground tour and walk the river trail.

  • Julianne



    Nice, clean hostel. The back of it overlooks the forest and the river. About a 10min walk from the bus station. Close to restaurants, shops, Post Office, supermarket, and laundry. Located in the quaint Old Town which is pedestrian only.

  • Eline van Straaten

    Eline van Straaten


    Great hostel! Friendly people, breakfast was included and didn't dissapoint and it was a great location!

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