Hostel Situla a Novo mesto

SloveniaHostel Situla



🕗 orari di apertura

1, Dilančeva ulica, 8000, Novo mesto, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 7 394 20 00
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.804333, Longitude: 15.1700618

commenti 5

  • Mirco Jakse

    Mirco Jakse


    Great hostel, location is prime, service excellent, the facilities could use a brushup, but being a hostel it's a pass.

  • Andrej Milek

    Andrej Milek


    I like this place, nice and generous people, clean sabitarian..

  • Łukasz Gackowski

    Łukasz Gackowski


    You definitely won't be hungry if this place will take care of your feeding :)

  • Andrej Kovačič

    Andrej Kovačič


    best option to sleep in Novo mesto in city center

  • Giovanni Dal Poz

    Giovanni Dal Poz


    The location is great. when you walk in it's a really fancy environment, with modern furniture. The problems arrive as soon as you use the bathroom: the shower was cold and broken and on top the water was not going down properly. There is no key of the 6 beds room and no lockers anywhere. the smell of the kitchen woke us up at 6 and it didn't stop for the whole morning. The windows can't be open... So, big potential but a lot of irritating details! The owner should try one night here and he would realize what I m talking about!

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