Hotel Milena Maribor i Maribor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienHotel Milena Maribor


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49, Pohorska ulica, 2000, Maribor, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 2 613 20 96
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.5350059, Longitude: 15.6019152

kommentar 5

  • Alen Kralj

    Alen Kralj


    My uncle works there so it's obviously amazing

  • en

    Miruchi X


    Nice location. Clean room and bathroom. Very good breakfast. Nice people.

  • Nick Schoonwinkel

    Nick Schoonwinkel


    Very cosy hotel

  • psixo delic

    psixo delic


    This hotel is very cosy. The staff is friendly and helpful. The place is close to ski.

  • Mark Sammut

    Mark Sammut


    This is what I would refer to as a very honest hotel.... Home away from home. Ample private parking, 5 minutes drive from the centre of Maribor, in a very quiet location a couple of hundred meters away from the cable car which takes you up to the top of the mountain. More importantly we were greeted upon arrival and guided to our room, with a small welcome package in the room. Comfortable bed, decent bathroom with a full size shower and good water pressure. Good air-conditioning too... And a balcony overlooking the garden and the mountain. There is also an excellent pizzeria near the cable car station very close by. Breakfast is very varied and the owner even cooked fresh breakfast for us.... What else can you ask for....and all this at truly excellent value for money!

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