Hotel & Restaurant VeganFresh a Medvode

SloveniaHotel & Restaurant VeganFresh


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13, Gorenjska cesta, 1215, Medvode, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 361 82 55
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.1465436, Longitude: 14.4101329

commenti 5

  • en

    Mandar Phadke


    Excellent value for money. Very welcoming and helpful staff. Great vegan dinners.

  • Zsolt Váradi

    Zsolt Váradi


    Friendly English - speaking staff. Only the dinner is vegan, which was tasty, but huuuge portions. I came with an empty stomach but was already full after the soup - would've like to taste the rest of the three courses as well. Food is made fresh, there's a daily menu - no alá carte. Breakfast is NOT vegan which was a disappointment. Rooms are clean, however the walls need a serious paint job, because they're scuffed and dirty. Light bulbs mossing here and there. Bed is comfortable and clean, heating was good. Walls are thin though, so you do get some noise from the corridor and other rooms. My room was above the kitchen so I got a lot of kitchen-smell in the morning (not pleasant). Parking is directly on site. All-in-all it was okay for a one night stay with a fair price, but I won't be returning.

  • Tamara Hartman

    Tamara Hartman


    Food here is very tasty, staff is nice. Service is a bit slow, so take your time and enjoy the meal, it'll be worth it. Parking available.

  • Haus Idyll

    Haus Idyll


    This is a review for the restaurant at the hotel. You don't need to stay at the hotel to access the restaurant. Delicious food, nicely served, very good value for money.

  • Guy Dessoy

    Guy Dessoy


    We tried out VeganFresh restaurant this evening: delicious 4 course meal, great service, great value for money!

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