Hotel Strk i Murska Sobota

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienHotel Strk


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40, Polana, 9000, Murska Sobota, SI Słowenia
kontakter telefon: +386 2 525 21 58
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Latitude: 46.6824852, Longitude: 16.1384044

kommentar 5

  • Matjaz Markovic

    Matjaz Markovic


    Temačno vzdušje kava ni dobra

  • Tanja Vesel

    Tanja Vesel


    Lepa izkušnja. Super za družine! Dobra lokacija. Čistoča v kmečki hiši bi lahko bila boljša.

  • Neza Koritnik

    Neza Koritnik


    Super hotel, lep, zelo dobra hrana, prijazno in ustrežljivo osebje. Fitnes naprave nedelujoče, bazen premrzel.

  • Diling



    Hotel sem obiskala prvič, ostala sem 2 noči. Prvi vtis kompleksa je, da so '' tisoč kinclarji''. Tu je vse - od hotela, restavracije, do zooloskega vrta, otroške igralnice, savne, bazena, kampa, vinske kleti. Ni da ni. Kot da se ne bi povsem znali odločiti, s čim se bodo predstavili in s čim služili denar. Vzdušje je mirno, sobe so čiste. Sobe so dokaj velike, so pa zelo temne zaradi temnega pohištva in temno obarvanega lesa. Ob prihodu v hotel sem bila malo izgubljena, saj prideš direktno v restavracijo, mimo katere moraš do sprejemnega pulta. Osebje je prijazno, čeprav sem dobila občutek, da je prijazna gospa na recepciji tukaj v službi šele kratek čas. Kopalnica urejena, prostori dobro ogrevani. Zajtrk je kontinentalni, dober, nič ne manjka. Zjutraj se je zgodilo, da ni bilo dovolj tople vode za tuširanje, zato ena zvezdica manj. Sicer pa priporočam obisk.

  • Lenart Pušnik

    Lenart Pušnik


    Hotel promises a lot, but reality is slightly different as expected. In that kind of a small hotel, staff should take much more care for the guest and promote their distillery and vine cellar etc. If you have a story to tell and things to show, promote it! Other issue is maintenance, hotel is not old, but there is a lack of maintenance or no maintenance at all. Hotel has mini wellness, but in the 30 ft swimming pool counter current flow was not working. Jacuzzi was also damaged, massage nozzles broken and selector buttons broken. In hotels small fitness elliptic trainer was broken. I mentioned that at the front desk upon check out and staff was surprised that I am first one to expose that problem, but the deficiencies are obvious. Rooms are clean and nice furnished, but in my case door were difficult to close and the bathroom seems to be renovated due to technical errors and 3 or 4 tiles didn’t match in the shower. I must say that private “intimate wellness” called heaven was really OK, I recommend it. Generally speaking place is great (there is really a lot to do and see), but I do not recommend it unless maintenance issues are fixed and staff gets more responsive and willing to show more warmth and hospitality typical for eastern Slovenian people.

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