Jazz Club Gajo i Ljubljana

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SlovenienJazz Club Gajo


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12, Tomšičeva ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Eslovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 31 337 525
internet side: jazzclubgajo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0530415, Longitude: 14.4997108

kommentar 5

  • Boštjan Biber

    Boštjan Biber


    The drinks are well overpriced for a place with container toilet and place where you can't hide anywhere from the rain. Although there is no entrance fee for some events, you can quickly pay too much if you order multiple drinks. However the stuff is funny and events are great. Sometimes you need to get there earlier to find a free table.

  • Ines Grenc

    Ines Grenc


    Ni ga lepšega kot iti na topel poletni večer v senčko v Gajota na izbrano glasbeno doživetje!

  • VIP NightLife

    VIP NightLife


    What a delightful surprise. We were in Ljubljana visiting and wanted to see the park Tivoli. On our way there we noticed this gorgeous jazz spot under the trees and decided to stop by. Needless to say we never made it to the park, this jazz garden made us fall in love with jazz again. A must see and experience!

  • Francesco Mandolini

    Francesco Mandolini


    Just outside Ljubljana city center you'll find this incredible Jazz club. Everyday new gigs, the staff is great and the musicians there are awesome. I had the chance to play on my first night there. Blew me away!

  • Lina P. Zupanc

    Lina P. Zupanc


    Really amazing place in the heart of the city, with exquisite selection of drinks and great events for all tastes! It has a special artistic vibe, with all of the brilliant musicians & concerts. Jazz Club Gajo is located in a nice & peaceful garden, where you can really enjoy reading a book, listening to a great music or meeting your friends for a drink. And last - but not least - you can smile your heart out, at one of theirs fun Comedy Club evenings. Cheers! ;)

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