Kino Komuna -

SzlovéniaKino Komuna



🕗 Nyitva tartás

2, Tomšičeva ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 1 810 71 74
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.0522872, Longitude: 14.502706

hozzászólások 5

  • Ina P

    Ina P


    A rare movie theater still left in Ljubljana's center, with most closing on account of mega cineplexes on the outskirts. It was renovated a few years ago, so everything is very new. It's plain in terms of amenities- it has an adjoining bar, which also doubles as a ticket shop. You can buy candy and use the downstairs toilet and that's about it. But what else do you need 😉

  • rogier mu

    rogier mu


    Watched the shape of water, sound and visuals were great. Looks small, but is bigger than you think!

  • Matej Brecelj

    Matej Brecelj


    This is your theater, if you're looking for a great movies, but you don't want to go for the mainstream Hollywood production. Movies for the youngsters in the family as well as great movies you can't see in an everyday theater...

  • en

    Denis Valic


    One of the really few cinema halls left in down-town Ljubljana (historical centre of the city) with more commercially oriented programming (mostly H'wood productions, rearly Independent/Art cinema) in original language and with subtitles; also small bar in the lobby

  • Andrej Stanič

    Andrej Stanič


    Still the best located and one of the nicest cinemas in town. Actually, come to think of it, it's the only cinema in the centre of Ljubljana that still plays mainstream movies!

legközelebbi Színház

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