Kompas Postojna, turistična agencija, d.o.o. a Postojna

SloveniaKompas Postojna, turistična agencija, d.o.o.


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🕗 orari di apertura

2a, Titov trg, 6230, Postojna, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 5 721 14 80
sito web: www.kompas-postojna.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 45.7753696, Longitude: 14.213101

commenti 5

  • Shannon ymous

    Shannon ymous


    i got off early on a train and got stuck on the way to postojna. i called and they called tsxis and tried to help even though it wasn't directly related to their tour!!!

  • Irena Sustersic

    Irena Sustersic



  • en



    Very helpful, made their best to book at the last minute a hotel room (respecting our budget) in an other town + a room in town + caves and castle. Clear explanations in good engligh, fast and reliable service. Open at lunch time. Highly recommended.

  • sl

    Primož Kragelj


    Ne ravno prijazno osebje. Cene so tudi visoke. Jasno je videti, da manjka konkurenca.

  • en

    Christophe GROSSO


    We stopped off in the Kompas tourist service office on our way to the caves. They were very helpful and sol us a combi ticket for the caves and the caste with a 5% discount. When we arrived at the caves we learnt that the bus to the castle at 1pm was not suitable for us. The staff at the cave rang Kompass to assure that we would get a full refund. We then bought our tickets at the cave with a student discount which was not mentioned by Kompass. We returned straight to Kompas for a refund which they gave us but when we said we had already bought our replacement tickets they got very angry and agressive calling us liars. These people should not work in tourist services if they are going to treat people this way.

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