Ljubljana Cathedral i Ljubljana

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SlovenienLjubljana Cathedral


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1, Dolničarjeva ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 1 234 26 90
internet side: lj-stolnica.rkc.si
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0507536, Longitude: 14.5080836

kommentar 5

  • Sashi White

    Sashi White


    Amazing. In the heart of the city. Worth taking time and really enjoying it.

  • en

    Anna Ovchinnikova


    one of the cathedrals in Ljubljana. just in city centre.

  • Catalina Oana Tudor

    Catalina Oana Tudor


    Amazing cathedral in downtown Ljubljana. Must see.

  • Vincent Oliver

    Vincent Oliver


    A Baroque church whose detailed impressive interior has several frescoes by Guilio Quaglio. The ceiling is anazing! The relief on the unique main entrance door shows the history of Christianity on Slovenian lands. The side entrance door is a relief showing the 20th century bishops of Lithuania.

  • Diederik Linders

    Diederik Linders


    Gorgeous little cathedral. Not as pumptous as some bigger cathedral, but very decadent. There is an amazing organ divided into several groups and the sound is magnificent. The entrance door is quite new and depicts a history of Christianity, with on top Pope John Paul 2nd. The cathedral is technically for prayer only so respect and silence is asked. I was saying a prayer while my wife was taking pictures (credits to her for the pictures)

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