NAMASTE Indian Express i Ljubljana

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SlovenienNAMASTE Indian Express



🕗 åbningstider

31, Trubarjeva cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 1 434 35 30
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.0524712, Longitude: 14.5097855

kommentar 5

  • Omkar Vichare

    Omkar Vichare


    Couldn't believe that such an amazing place exist on this part of the world. Authentic indian food without any modifications, good service and nice ambience. Loved to eat proper spicy tasty indian food after craving for it for 10 days of tour. Thanks guys. Kewp it up.

  • en

    Pavel Vlad


    That was an nice, tiny place with a pretty good food at a reasonable price. I've tried indeed some interesting, tasty, new food which made me go the second time as well and I wasn't disappointed. The stuff is very hospitable!

  • Narendra Sankpal

    Narendra Sankpal


    Limited menu options but amazing food. I would definitely suggest you to visit it. Quick and excellent service. ☺️

  • Barileo Barilei

    Barileo Barilei


    My first indian food experience. Was here with girlfriend, it's nice and cozy atmosphere, not too crowded so we had enough space for chatting and having fun. Really liked the food, it was so tasty. Also, it's an affordable place, two of us really filled up and weren't shocked with the check. Our waiter was most cheerful and fun waiter ever. Would recommend to anyone!

  • Jernej Drnovšek

    Jernej Drnovšek


    The waiter was one of the best I have ever met. We paid little for what we have eaten and it was delicious. In my opinion best Indian cousin in town.

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