Novi Svet v Maribor

SlovenijaNovi Svet



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5, Slomškov trg, 2000, Maribor, SI Slovenia
kontakti telefon: +386 2 250 04 86
spletna stran:
večji zemljevid in navodila
Latitude: 46.558743, Longitude: 15.6456052

mnenja 5

  • Tangeni Haimbala Haimbala

    Tangeni Haimbala Haimbala


    Fantastic spot.

  • en

    Bogdan S


    Very Nice place With very good sea food.

  • en

    abbie bellwood


    We have just been there for dinner and had to leave due to badly reheated seafood. The dish the ‘seafood stew’ was served in was cold. The prawns and mussels inside were a mixture of luke warm and cold, both also looked old and as if they’d been sat there for a while. The soup they were in was also Luke cold and split. I can see from past reviews this place is usually very good so it’s a shame about our experience, unfortunately though for seafood we didn’t want to risk eating any of it.

  • en

    Serhat Güler


    Tourists should be careful with this place! If you are a tourist, they would give a special menu which prepared for tourist only! The prices of dished are higher than usual. Once we have been there just to take a look to the menu, and they have showed us the normal menu which is in Slovenian, German as well as English. The prices were quite fair. This menu included also the drinks and so on. Next day, we have really decided to eat there and the waiter brought us a totally different menu which didn't have all the dishes and the drinks on it. When we asked about, he said that the menu has been changed, but they still have the old dishes as well but the prices are changed and they are stated in the new menu. After the a little bit, he brought us the usual menu and we ordered some food from the old one. The portions are good and the food was tasty. But BE CAREFUL so that they won't fool you guys. The old/real menu is a like a book and it has a big variety of dishes/drinks, and it's in Slovenian, German and English. The one for tourists is only in German and English and it has only 2 pages which only some dishes which are mainly expensive.

  • Paul Heller

    Paul Heller


    They have another restaurant right next to this called fish and chips. Probably the best fish and chips I've ever had. Many different sauces to try. Difrrent types of panko breading. Comes with salad and homemade potato chips.

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