Pivka Jama i Postojna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienPivka Jama


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50, Veliki Otok, 6230, Postojna, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 5 720 39 93
internet side: camping-postojna.com
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Latitude: 45.8049486, Longitude: 14.2043235

kommentar 5

  • Sybil Danner

    Sybil Danner


    OH visiting the cave splendid what an experience

  • en

    Louhistiina Tuotanto


    Nice camping place in the middle of nature. Very good with a tent or a camper. For a bigger caravan might be difficult to find a place (not very flat area). Toilets are downstairs, many hills. Can not recommend for people who have difficulties with moving, or for very small children. Check the toilets and showers, there was snake once!

  • en

    Dave Radbourne


    Beautiful location amongst the forest and caves in the karst region of Slovenia. Lovely forest walks within easy reach of Postojna town and cave complex, a must to visit.

  • en

    Jessica Woods


    Great and impressive cave. It was a coincidence that we stayed at the campground and did a tour of the cave. Even though it was main season we were a small group and were really able to enjoy the cave and tour.

  • Kateřina Urbanová

    Kateřina Urbanová


    The camp is really clean, nice calm and quiet. Camping spots are little bit rocky so I recommend use an air mattress. There is a kitchen with cookers in the camp, but only two (from eighth) hotplate works. There isn't any shared electronic kettle there. A bathroom was clear and with hot water (it's free).

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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