Pizzeria Verdi Verdi i Griže

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SlovenienPizzeria Verdi Verdi



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125, Griže, 3302, Griže, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 41 805 068
internet side: www.verdi-verdi.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.2317839, Longitude: 15.1543871

kommentar 5

  • Miha Balek

    Miha Balek


    Best pizza place in area. Worth to try it 💪✌️👍

  • Rok Kovacic

    Rok Kovacic


    Been here a few times years ago and finally visited again to see if they still have such great food. Was not disappointed, even when years went by they still make great pizzas! No doubt one of the best around. Big props to the owner and staff for staying loxal to customers by keeping the quality level at a high level, which is obe of the hardest things to do in this business.

  • Matjaz Znidar

    Matjaz Znidar


    New Kebab pizza is excellent. I can only recomend it.

  • Petra Prelog

    Petra Prelog


    Tasty food and big pizzas. Friendly and fast staff. Not disappointed. I recommend to make a reservation before going there because they are full most of the times.

  • WaX P

    WaX P


    Not impressed. Pizza had a very weird taste, even beer in a bottle had different taste (Erdinger). They have a playroom for the kids, but since it's made out off wood it produces really loud noise when kids run around. The electricity went out for a couple of minutes while (we were eating). They have high tables with high (bar) chairs which are really hard to sit on. Well, they also have normal tables but I think it would be a miracle to get one of those since it's a crowded place (I guess other people like this place, maybe locals or something).

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