Pošta a Ljubljana




🕗 orari di apertura

24, Štihova ulica, 1130, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 434 23 00
sito web: www.posta.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0632538, Longitude: 14.5148596

commenti 5

  • Aleš Sterle

    Aleš Sterle


    Prijaznost-tako tako-brez komentarja , delovni čas neprijazen za uporabnike,cene storitev previsoke,velikokrat nepotrebne vrste in čakanje. Lahko pa se vseeno kaj uredi in so na voljo vse nujne poštne storitve. Popoldne vedno ali velikokrat prevelike-predolge vrste vrste pred okenci , kot da se nikamor nič ne premakne..

  • V R

    V R


    Not good service. One time it took a lil over 3 weeks for my package to be delivered to slovenia, and i even bought fast delivery whereas the receiver really needed it. We were not happy Another time when i sent a package to slovenia, i saw on the tracking site it said the package couldnt be delivered cuz the address was incomplete..which was not true. i had a copy of the document from when i sent it from france during a holiday, and i could see the address was correct! The person who was supposed to get it, went to the post office with the treacking nr and they couldnt find it and were not eager to help. Unbelieveable whereas this is not a big country, they could have easily found it! Then instead of resending it to my address in iceland, like i had written down...they sent it to france..with no address ! This lead to the receiver never getting the package. We spent half a year trying everything we could, exept going to france, to receive it. We will never see the package again due to the slovenian post office. Not happy at all!! Unfortunately whereas i often have to send to slovenia, i still have to use this service.

  • Maja M

    Maja M


    Vse po vrsti nesramne!

  • Kiki



    Hitre, prijazne in ustrežljive... kljub netolerantnim strankam!

  • Liliia Mandrino

    Liliia Mandrino


    Quick, polite and nearby!

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