Pralnica SPEED QUEEN Laundromat a Ljubljana

SloveniaPralnica SPEED QUEEN Laundromat



🕗 orari di apertura

57, Dunajska cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 64 229 007
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0654838, Longitude: 14.5089343

commenti 5

  • en

    Angus Blight


    This is a great facility. Only a 1.1km walk from Central Hotel and much cheaper than hotel laundry rates. Instructions are simple to follow, including it being obvious that tokens can't be re-exchanged for cash if you purchase too many. All machines (5 normal size and 1 jumbo) were being used by 10:30am on Monday morning, so probably best to arrive earlier ir later if you're in a rush and don't want to queue. Facility is open 18 hours, which is great.

  • Paul Cuming

    Paul Cuming


    Handy if not that cheap. But, cheaper than the motel!

  • en



    4€ for washing machine, 1€ per 10min for Drying. Free Wifi. But you have to bring coins or small banknote. Because you cannot change back Tokens to cash. I left 4coins at here for someone else! Enjoy free tokens!

  • Scott Lemon

    Scott Lemon


    This is the perfect laundromat. Spotlessly clean, the chairs and clothes benches are in perfect condition, the machines clean and well maintained, the instructions for use are clear and made easy with the SpeedQueen 'included detergent' feature. The pay machine is easy to work and well maintained. Dryers are excellent quality. When you are backpacking this is definitely the sort of experience you are looking for. AND free Wifi!!

  • Steve Dixon

    Steve Dixon


    This is a clean, reasonably new facility with simple Speed Queen washers and dryers. The machines use 4 tokens to wash and 1+ to dry. There is a token machine which takes 1 & 2€ coins and up to 50€ notes, but be aware that this is not a change machine, it will deliver all tokens. I did not have an issue with the 4€ wash compared to 3€ for a T-shirt via the hotels. Detergent, softener and disinfectant are added automatically. My phone GPS said 2 km walk from the old town

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