Sixt i Ljubljana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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6, Trg Osvobodilne fronte, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenien
kontakter telefon: +386 1 234 46 50
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.0581376, Longitude: 14.510044

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adrian Lewis


    Friendly and efficient. What more could you ask for.

  • en

    Daniel Brookes


    Dishonest in the extreme. These people renege on pre-agreed prices, levy additional charges without reason and help themselves to any amount held on your credit card. Note that the only good reviews are from ‘local guides’ whose experiences won’t be first hand or quite the same as being a foreigner when Sixt Ljubljana have us over a barrel.

  • Léa Poitagne

    Léa Poitagne


    Vous voulez vous faire arnaquer ? Allez y! Vous voulez dépenser 10fois plus que le prix initial ? Allez y! Les vendeurs ne sont pas du tout aimable et pas du tout compréhensibles ! Si vous ne parlez pas très bien anglais, ils vont tout faire pour parler très très vite pour que vous compreniez encore moins. Et si vous êtes jeunes, et bien, ils vont encore plus profitez de vous! Choisissez une autre agence de location, vraiment! À éviter d'urgence !

  • Dima Zemsky

    Dima Zemsky


    Got a nice upgrade, representative was pleasant and explained tolls, speed limits, etc. without any insurance/other sell pressure. One star off for doing the typical car rental bs of having me sign the inspection form stating no damage before going to the vehicle. Had to come back to the office to mark a few dings.

  • Diederik Linders

    Diederik Linders


    So far the experience was good. We got an upgrade since there were no cars in our category left. I have rented in the Netherland and Croatia before and always have had a good experience. Of course they try to sell extra insurance but don't annoyingly push it. Great service, big car park! Also many options to easily rent a car only. Technically at least two years are required on your driver's license, but if you have rented before through Sixt, this is not required (I also rented in the Netherland and there only 1 year was required)

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