Slovenska Hiša - Figovec -

SzlovéniaSlovenska Hiša - Figovec



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Gosposvetska cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 1 426 44 10
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.054595, Longitude: 14.503924

hozzászólások 5

  • Marko Ebert

    Marko Ebert


    Excellent service. Good food, but make sure you like Slovenian traditional dishes. Ambiance is homey, which is a tribute to the simple origins of Slovenian cuisine.

  • en

    ismet arisal


    Worst Beef ever And it took more than an hour to serve. We starved and then disgusted. Do not even think about going there to eat

  • Zoltan Papp

    Zoltan Papp


    The interior has been updated. The food and beers were great. Service could be better. We had to wait too long before anybody from the restaurant came to us to ask if we wanted to sit down even when we had reservation. Traditional Slovenian food. Would go back.

  • Neven Mazić

    Neven Mazić


    Beautiful restaurant, friendly and helpful staff and amazing Slovenian food. That was literally the best beef soup I've ever eaten. So delicious and the homemade soup pasta was perfect! For the main fish, I've eaten the beef stew and it too was perfect. A tiny little bit spicy, just enough, and the meat and potatoes were soft and delicious. My girlfriend ate fried liver with mashed potatoes and she also commended the chef. I forgot to take the before -eating photo but at least I've taken a before-finished foto do you can see how cool was to eat directly from the pots and pans! :D

  • en

    Mia Pedersen


    The restaurant is beautifully decorated and the staff are very friendly. Everything on the menu is sourced from Slovenia and the food is traditional but presented in a modern way. I had the beef broth and the truffle pasta. Both very good. No English menus at the moment but they told us that they had been ordered. Very well priced compared to the tourist restaurants just a few blocks away.

legközelebbi Étterem

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