Supermarket Mercator i Bled

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienSupermarket Mercator



🕗 åbningstider

1, Kajuhova cesta, 4260, Bled, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 593 34086
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.3693315, Longitude: 14.1179728

kommentar 5

  • John



    Good selection of product. Expensive. Always crowded.

  • Tetiana Camomile

    Tetiana Camomile


    Big variety of foods. You can find products ready to eat. A lot of fruit and vegetables. Cash and cards acceptable.

  • Arina Kuranova

    Arina Kuranova


    We were buying food souvenirs from whole Slovenia trip here and we got everything we needed. Can only recommend :)

  • Jose Figueira

    Jose Figueira


    Open on a Sunday till late. Great selection as Mercator would have, well stocked, employees who speak English to help you out. Fresh made to order pizza in store, a chemist right next door and a cafe. Lunch sorted! 🙂

  • giuseppe fedele

    giuseppe fedele


    Great choice of products, great prices. Just 4 stars instead of 5 because females employers at cheeses desk doesn't help you instead they cheat you to buy what they wants!! Really, don't ask suggestion to local females employers at food desk!! (I was looking for a local cheese and they forced me to buy a discounted one (probably expiring date) instead of help me to find that one I was looking for. Finally I found it alone!!). The guy employer at fruit instead was really helpful!!

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