Wellness Apartments Lapaz a Grkaveščak

SloveniaWellness Apartments Lapaz



🕗 orari di apertura

Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
Sportska 19 Toplice Sveti Martin, 40313, Grkaveščak, Croatia
contatti telefono: +386
sito web: www.apartmani-lapaz.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.4921829, Longitude: 16.3357601

commenti 5

  • en

    Peter Djokič


    + staff very friendly and helpfull + peaceful and quiet + clean - furniture in bad condition (coffe table) - kitchen accesories broken (cups) - bathroom towels torn - walls full of marks - very bad or weak tv signal - wifi works porely or it doesn't even work

  • en

    Hrvoje Matkovic


    Place is dirty, sheets filthy with yellow spots, sound insulation non-existant - you hear everything anyone in the apartment does at any time (even the neighbours), shades don't work, breakfast is served in a 3x10 m room where they crammed in 10 tables - no room for sitting, food is terrible serving cheapest cheese and ham... overall bad experience. Would not return even if free

  • en

    Hrvoje Matkovic


    Place is dirty, sheets filthy with yellow spots, sound insulation non-existant - you hear everything anyone in the apartment does at any time (even the neighbours), shades don't work, breakfast is served in a 3x10 m room where they crammed in 10 tables - no room for sitting, food is terrible serving cheapest cheese and ham... overall bad experience. Would not return even if free

  • kike 2501

    kike 2501


    Dirty! Pool and apartmant is dirty. Only good thing is that you get free entrance to therms also the brekfast is bad!!

  • kike 2501

    kike 2501


    Dirty! Pool and apartmant is dirty. Only good thing is that you get free entrance to therms also the brekfast is bad!!

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