A-Cosmos -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

182, Celovška cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 1 583 35 00
weboldal: www.a-cosmos.si
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.079323, Longitude: 14.483466

hozzászólások 5

  • Matevž Jenko

    Matevž Jenko


    We were waiting for a long time befor a seller passed by. Not professional at all!

  • Edin Hamzic

    Edin Hamzic


    Official bmw service place. Bit expensive. Parking is available. You can buy new and used cars.

  • Kresimir Bakic

    Kresimir Bakic


    Average BMW service and shop. Nothing especial.

  • Giannis Zioupas

    Giannis Zioupas


    Generally satisfied from service in my car. But, i was passing from Lubjana when my brakes broke and it was emergency to fix because i need it to continue my trip. They thread me like i had time, like i was citizen of city and gave me appointment for next day. For 1:30 hour work in my car, i stay one day and payed hotel and restaurant. Extra cost for me because they couldn't (didn't wanted ?) find time for my car. And it was very expensive!!! 30% more than i could pay in greece. The kindly lady in reception offer us many times coffee, water for free. Total time to take it back, 5 hours because of mistake in my time appointment and gaven priorities to more expensive cars. Be careful there. We , customers, have eyes and ears open and watching everything. A, and also, understand your language even if i said no. So, i heared also enough. Finnaly i must give my best wishes and big thanks to men who was responsible for my car. I forget his name but with lady in reception was only 2 employments there, who love their job and respect their customers. P.s. my car have excellent brakes. I enjoyed the rest trip.

  • en

    Ivan Lesic


    Very fast and professional service - all excellent with remark that car could be washed after it is repaired ;)

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