Actum Hotel a Kranj

SloveniaActum Hotel


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🕗 orari di apertura

6, Prešernova ulica, 4000, Kranj, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 590 82400
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più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.2403651, Longitude: 14.3559017

commenti 5

  • Oblacic



    Lovely little hotel; kitchy but cute and cousy. Location is perfect, at the very center of an Old town Kranj. Spacious bathroom, clean an nicely decorated like the whole room. Only flaw would be the heating system that runs through ventilation and it can get loud at times. Staff is friendly. Breakfast is a buffet consisting of versatile rich range of various foods and drinks, all freshly made and tasty! Considering a location and that breakfast is included, price per room is reasonable.

  • Renata Pilek

    Renata Pilek


    Nice hotel, located in the centre. Big rooms, a bit old fasioned with a bath or jacuzzi. Nice choice for breakfast and friendly atmosphere. A bit noisy from the street. Air conditioning and comfortable bed. Small car park only for hotel guests.

  • Jenaviv



    Excellent little boutique hotel. Very friendly staff. The rooms are spacious and clean. Breakfast was plentiful and delicious. Note that this hotel hotel doesn't have an elevator

  • Cynthia Farrell

    Cynthia Farrell


    We stayed at Hotel Actum for one night as it was close to the hotel. + The room was large, with a very large bathroom. It's in a nice area in the old town with convenient parking. Staff was welcoming, pleasant and helpful. - There is no lighting in the entryway which makes half the room very dark and difficult to use the closet. Our room smelled somewhat musty, probably from the hot tub. We tried to sleep with the windows open, but couldn't because of smoke that I think was coming from the fire pit in the hotel's outdoor area. Only one plug on each side of the bed, both already in use. Odd decor. It was fine for one night.

  • Pamela Matheron

    Pamela Matheron


    I loved this place! Everything was perfect, the location of the hotel, the kindness of the staff, the food, and the bed was perhaps the nicest I have ever slept upon! The hotel if full of fun things to discover too. It is no wonder they have won a "Best hotel" award recently. Wish I could have stayed longer.

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