Antiq Palace Hotel & Spa -

SzlovéniaAntiq Palace Hotel & Spa


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

10, Gosposka ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 40 638 163
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.0480668, Longitude: 14.5040596

hozzászólások 5

  • Lin Lukša

    Lin Lukša


    Gorgeous place! Had a seminar there.

  • Katja Čemažar

    Katja Čemažar


    The place is very unique. The building is really old and it is perfect choice for someone who like to has a feeling that he/she is in an antique luxury hotel. The atrium is nicely decorated and in the middle of the building, there is a cute garden where you can drink a coffee or just read a newspaper.

  • David Gedze

    David Gedze


    Such a beautiful hotel. The suites are fabulous and the staff are charming, extremely engaging and helpful. I have quite a surreal feeling that I am the only person staying here and all the services in the hotel guide don't actually exist, but the suite is so fabulous and staff so lovely, it really doesn't matter 😍😘

  • Gordann Jijj

    Gordann Jijj


    Fantastic location and a really pleasant staff. Miloš, Žiga and the rest of the staff went out their way to help me accomodate. The rooms are well equipped, though a hair dryer and cleaner linen would be appreciated. The Tv has a variety of channels, and I reccomend using the public parking nearby (cheaper than the hotel parking). Guests might have problems approaching the hotel, because of public traffic restrictions to the hotel, so I reccomend calling the reception prior to arrival. Still, it is a great place to stay at.

  • Aaaa Kkkk

    Aaaa Kkkk


    Beautiful old palace, with all the charm from 500 years ago when it was built. The rooms were huge and we had great view out to the back street through the bay view double widows. With the old building come issues, with a little water leaking from the shower into the room and some noise from the neighbors at night. Breakfast was average, but with the amazing location, it was not hard to find eateries nearby. Beware, if you have an early start, nothing in this town opens before 7:30 - 8, apart from some bakeries, including the hotel breakfast. The charm of this hotel is worth the stay.

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