Bus Station Ljubljana v Ljubljana

SlovenijaBus Station Ljubljana



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4, Trg Osvobodilne fronte, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakti telefon: +386 1 234 46 00
spletna stran: www.ap-ljubljana.si
večji zemljevid in navodila
Latitude: 46.0577555, Longitude: 14.5095789

mnenja 5

  • lyrean07



    We plan to go for Bled and we are 2 hours early for our bus, we couldnt find any place to sit and chill or a waiting area since its pretty hot outside. not so friendly staff service

  • en

    Sebastian Frączek


    Worst bus station ever. No sitting place, rude service. You are lucky if you dont go there.

  • Willy Wonka

    Willy Wonka


    So, I am heading for Bordeaux from Zagreb and I needed to change buses in Ljubljana. I got out of the bus in, what seems to be, the main bus station and was very dissapointed to see that I don't have anywhere to sit with all my luggage! It was pretty cold outside, 1:30 in the morning and my following bus was plan on to come straight 2 hours later. The working time of the bus station stated from 6:30 am to 23:05 and it was awful to see that there is a actuall waiting room inside that obviously has central heating and the passengers that come through the night can't come inside and warm up, regarding the waiting hours between bus lines. I even went to the train station but it was also closed, it stated that the working hour is til 10 pm, which is really early and it also doesn't provide a waiting room where you can sit. I thank God there wasn't no heavy rain or snow. There were some kebab and restoraunts around but only two were working but I wasn't comfortable staying there because there were drunk people, mostly men. I am sorry to say this, but Zagreb rocks.

  • en

    Dario Alfirevic


    If you ever need to change to the connecting bus during night, this is not a place to be. Avoid Ljubljana for late night bus changes. There are a couple of "cafés" and fast foods open here, but bus station is closed. There is vitually no information on the kiosk-like building on schedules and website has inaccurate data that is only theoretically correct. The bus I was supposed to connect to at 1:45 a.m. didn't arrive and there wasn't a single person that I could ask about it. Locals might know their way arround it, but if you are not from here and you need any info in the middle of the night, just forget it.

  • Jonathan Anderson

    Jonathan Anderson


    Some very miserable people working here. Also no-one queues, they just seem to push in. Thankfully the airport bus is easy top find (just outside, the no 28), is fairly regular and only costs 4 euros.

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