City Hotel Ljubljana v Ljubljana

SlovenijaCity Hotel Ljubljana



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Ponedeljekodprto 24 ur
Torekodprto 24 ur
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Četrtekodprto 24 ur
Petekodprto 24 ur
Sobotaodprto 24 ur
Nedeljaodprto 24 ur
15, Dalmatinova ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakti telefon: +386 1 239 00 00
spletna stran:
večji zemljevid in navodila
Latitude: 46.053756, Longitude: 14.508143

mnenja 5

  • Simon Park

    Simon Park


    A very smart hotel. Clean, tidy and friendly staff. I was really impressed with the restaurant and bar areas, and the room was one of the best I've stayed in and I've stayed in quite a few. They even let you use their bikes for free! No catch. Breakfast was perfect. Continental buffet style but there's a lot of choice.

  • Casey Susannah Nokes

    Casey Susannah Nokes


    Overall, this hotel is absolutely fantastic. It is amazing value for money. The room was absolutely lovely, you don't get a teapot etc. In your room, but there's a valid and good reason for that, so don't get put off by that! We were so comfortable in our room, the staff were absolutely brilliant. And the food, wow! I couldn't get over the cost of it for what you get, the flavours! Wowww! I am very into food, and this is by far some of the best food I have EVER had! Seriously, 5 stars, 10/10! Well done guys, keep up the good work!

  • en

    saravana Pillay


    Close to Ljubljana train and bus station(700m). Great breakfast menu. Close to main attraction points especially Triple Bridge. Highly recommended. Rooms are spacious and clean. Friendly staffs.

  • Emanuela Fantin

    Emanuela Fantin


    Very nice hotel in a really good position, less than 10 minutes walk from the city centre. The room was wonderful, very spacious and really well designed, I loved the picture behind the bed and the lighting. The bed was super comfy, nice surface in front of the sink to align all your beauty products, spacious shower with very good water pressure. Interesting the pics on the corridor walls telling you the stories about the buildings in town. The breakfast had quite a wide choice from sweet to savoury. The hotel overall was really good, the service too, the reason why I'm giving 4 stars is cause I wasn't particularly impressed by the food, we had pretty bland soups for the three nights of our stay, pretty poor first courses, the seconds were good, but I'm sure they could improve a bit. I would definitely suggest it anyway, I had a good experience there.

  • en

    Chris Barclay


    We were upgraded to a suite during our stay. Large clean rooms, with comfortable beds & good views over the city. We ate dinner in the restaurant, where the food was good although the service a bit slow. Very well positioned for exploring the highlights of Ljubljana. Overall good value for money. Wild stay here again.

najbližja Vlaganje

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