DON BOBI, Bobicom trgovina, gostinstvo in storitve, Novo mesto, d.o.o. -

SzlovéniaDON BOBI, Bobicom trgovina, gostinstvo in storitve, Novo mesto, d.o.o.



🕗 Nyitva tartás

14, Kandijska cesta, 8000, Novo mesto, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 7 338 24 00
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.8012989, Longitude: 15.16665

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    HISTRO zhang


    The food is nice, recommend you the lamp and the mix seafood cold starter. They make the lamp so juicy, and my order is half done.

  • en

    Igor HW


    Based on other reviews, I had very high expectations from this place. The steak was nicely cooked as requested, although slightly uneven through its surface. The seasoning was not very astonishing; it left a few unchewable parts and one with a strong pitch of vinegar. But the steak had overall good flavour, and was the best part of the whole meal. The bread was bland, dry, and tasted old, which was a shame because it looked like it was made in a wood-fired oven. The grilled vegetables as a side-dish were mostly grill-tasty; some of the potato chunks in there, however, were almost raw and definitely not cooked enough. The staff did't leave any special impression, nor did look especially interested to share knowledge about steaks they were offering. They weren't rude either. Atmosphere +, parking spaces +, location +. Prices reasonable (about 20-22 EUR for various stakes) and a big plus for not charging extra for side dish and the horrible bread. The final score is related exclusively to food experience. I was expecting more from this kind of reputation.

  • Nic Spada

    Nic Spada


    In my opinion the best restaurant where I have been in Slovenia. The atmosphere is very warm, specially in the room with the roof made of bricks. The food is fantastic, there is a wide choice of dishes, from pizza to fishes. Good wines and interesting local craft beers. Service is very good and it's easy to park. Every time I have been in Don Bobi I always came out very satisfied!

  • Terracarnica LagottoRomagnolo

    Terracarnica LagottoRomagnolo


    Very good food. Solid vine and beer selection. Good service. Very nice environment and descreete (quiet) well selected music which is not the case in most Slovenian restaurants.

  • Charlotte Burgess

    Charlotte Burgess


    Amazing food and fantastic service. Everything was presented beautifully and tasted great! Would recommend anyone to try this place.

legközelebbi Étterem

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