Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons -

SzlovéniaFour Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons



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Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
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Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
4, Pot za Brdom, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 1 470 27 00
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.0520301, Longitude: 14.4529018

hozzászólások 5

  • S Iliev

    S Iliev


    I pass this hotel many times without stop there! For some reason I decided to stop here and I was AMASSED! Hotel is on the road and from this road looks like MOTEL, but THIS IS NOT MOTEL, this is PARADISE. :) . Clean and comfortable hotel, with very polite personnel! This is 5 star diamond on the road! I will not passed it next time! Cheers from bar!

  • Lewis Cardenas

    Lewis Cardenas


    This was by far the nicest Four Points by Sheraton I have stayed at. Rooms were spacious, I had a welcome note and treats, and breakfast was tasty. The front desk staff were very friendly and very helpful. Although the hotel isn't in the city centre, it is a short taxi ride to all the sights. I actually liked the location since I had some beautiful views of the mountains and forest. It was also very conveniently located to the airport. I will certainly stay here again during my next visit

  • Tatjana Puc

    Tatjana Puc


    Good acomodation very close to highway coming from airport. Special for bussines and conference. We had sever times medical meetings there and cutering is special they have good wine asortiman. For relaxation ther is sauna and fitness and you can walk and run around because hotel is soranded with green nature. But it is far from centre, you need car.

  • Melissa Della Gatta

    Melissa Della Gatta


    Everything was amazing. Incredibly comfortable bed and accommodations, extremely helpful and friendly staff, and a delicious breakfast. Accessible to downtown, but also in a more quiet place surrounded by trees. We would stay here again!

  • Freddy Samad

    Freddy Samad


    Located in the outskirt of the town and close to nothing, but it's a nice and modern hotel. Rooms are quite roomy with nice interior. Reception and staff are very courteous and friendly. Breakfast serves good continental. Highly recommended!

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