Hotel Bellevue -

SzlovéniaHotel Bellevue


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

35, Na slemenu, 2208, Pohorje, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 2 234 43 33
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.5157179, Longitude: 15.5789848

hozzászólások 5

  • Vukasin Erbez

    Vukasin Erbez


    Nice hotel with excellent spa centar and masage

  • en

    Ema Zecevic


    The worst resturant i ve ever seen. Me and my school mates were in pohorje for skiing and so on.. I ordered a hot chocolate and i found a peace of metal in it and i nearly drunk that. I told the women who was working there and she didn t even say sorry she just tool the peace of metal and went away. Later we went inside to eat and the tables were so dirty.. full of bread. There was no organisation. We got soup for the main meal and later an apple cake for dessert. And in the apple cake were ANS (mrave)!!!! Some were dead some alive we told the ppl there and they just looked at us and went back into the kitchen. Again nobody said sorry it was so terrible and ugly. My friend got a cake were the ans had been walking over it and she also told the women who was working there. The women said "i don t see any ans there" while they were walking on top of the cake. Later my friend said i don t want to eat that and the woman just rolled with her eyes and took the plate back. Again no exuse or anything. So everyone who got a cake found ans in it. ANS in the cake show that the hyganical conditions in the kitchen are very bad. So don t eat there, it is dirty and i wouln t be surprised if they find a mice in their kitchen, too! 😡😝 Bili smo tamo za skijanje i sankanje. Kasnije sam narucila vrucu cokoladu u kojoj sam nasla komad zeljeza i malo je falilo da to popijem. Kasnije kad smo jeli imali smo supu za dorucak i onda kao desert strudla od jabuke. Eh u toj strudli su bili mravi nekad mrtve nekad žive. Rekli smo konobarima i nista oni. Samo su nas gledali i opet otisli. Nikakvo izvinjenje ni nista. Znaci katastrofa. Mrave u hrani ili u kuhinji u sred zime pokazuje koliko je tamo prljavo i negigijenicni. Nebi me cudilo da ima tamo i miševa. Preporučujem da ne jedete tamo jer je gadno.

  • PartyTimeBH B

    PartyTimeBH B


    Nice place to get warmed up and have hot chocolate. Staff very polite! Everything nice and clean.

  • Keyser Söze

    Keyser Söze


    ..excelent position..on the ski trail..great service, very pleasant staff...nice rooms...good choice of food...

  • romeo malancu

    romeo malancu


    An awesome place. It's clean, neat, the personnel is great. The services are good, the food is awesome. And the soroundings are EXTRAORDINARY

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