Jasmin čaji trgovina in storitve d.o.o. i Bled

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SlovenienJasmin čaji trgovina in storitve d.o.o.



🕗 åbningstider

10, Cesta svobode, 4260, Bled, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 4 574 38 27
internet side: www.jasmin-caji.si
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.3672071, Longitude: 14.1085042

kommentar 5

  • chris machan

    chris machan


    Great place to drink coffee and tea, have a cake or sandwich, talk and sit & rest after a walk around the lake Bled. Reasonable prices, friendly english speaking service staff.

  • Selen Caner Ertuncay

    Selen Caner Ertuncay


    We saw this place on Google Maps but thought that it's only a tea shop. There is no pin for the cafe, but this location has both their photos. The cafe is close to the shop, and the outside sitting area has a view of the lake. Good selection of teas. And the presentation is lovely too. I was kind of excited about the panini; thought they were making it themselves, but later realised that the sandwiches are just prepacked and they heat it up before serving. And weirdly you can also find them anywhere else in Bled. Little rocky sugar is also a speciality I suppose. They go better with tea.

  • Lawrence Kidd

    Lawrence Kidd


    Good for tea but also for an alcoholic drink. Serve wine and beer at prices 1/3 of others by the lake in Bled in a peaceful outdoor setting. Host is very friendly too.




    Simply wonderful selection of teas (and some coffees and infusions as well) - and you can buy some to bring home, too...:-)

  • ANDREW Marshall

    ANDREW Marshall


    Friendly staff & large selection of teas and herbal teas, coffee, cakes, paninis.

nærmeste Cafe

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