LASTOVKA pri starem mostu - Maribor a Maribor

SloveniaLASTOVKA pri starem mostu - Maribor



🕗 orari di apertura

9, Trg revolucije, 2000, Maribor, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 31 744 813
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.554592, Longitude: 15.645732

commenti 5

  • Radoslav Kostov

    Radoslav Kostov


    A must have visit when you are in Maribor. The best ice creams ever. Never tasted so delicious sweets in my life. Highly recommend.

  • Andreas Öser

    Andreas Öser


    Really good Ice

  • Nikolai Siurdyna

    Nikolai Siurdyna


    Good ice cream, however not much place for sitting and eating. Also cones not the best quality.

  • en

    ace anddreed


    In another review I've read that they supposedly serve the best ice cream ever here. While I am not sure this is entirely true, the ice cream really is among the best I have eaten so far. There are some classic flavors like chocolate and strawberry, but also more uncommon ones such as raffaelo(the sweet coconut stuff) and some weird pink dragon flavor (I did not dare order it and also did not know how to pronounce its slovenian name). In comparison to other slovenian places it seems a bit pricey at first (1,20/flavor), but the servings are pretty huge and the great quality is well worth the price.

  • Jacqueline Kuch

    Jacqueline Kuch


    The ice cream was too sweet for my taste but the price was great and the texture is very creamy!

Negozio più vicina

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