LifeClass Terme Sveti Martin a Sveti Martin na Muri

SloveniaLifeClass Terme Sveti Martin


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3, Izvorska, 40313, Sveti Martin na Muri, Općina Sveti Martin na Muri, HR Croatia
contatti telefono: +385 40 371 111
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Latitude: 46.494806, Longitude: 16.336999

commenti 5

  • en

    William Hughes


    Fantastic experience fishing for England in the Masters World Champs lovely Country lovely people backed them to win the World cup but being an English man I hope they don't have to stay loyal

  • Saša Kajfeš

    Saša Kajfeš


    The spa is super relaxing. They only allow a certain amount of people at the same time so it's never crowded and you can enjoy the saunas and the lounges in peace and quiet. Hotel provides excellent accommodations, delicious local food specialties and wine from local wineries. There are plenty of recreation options available including a gym, golf course, internal and external swimming pools, rent a bike etc. The landscape is beautiful and I highly suggest renting a bike and going for a ride on the hills the hotel.

  • Anamaria Lisjak

    Anamaria Lisjak


    Really great. Loved the pools and the food. Very great, good place for everyone.

  • Zlatka P

    Zlatka P


    I have to put this first - the food ! I've been to many hotels but never was food this tasty! I was genuinely surprised how awesome it was 👌👌👌 Accomodation and staff are excellent. The pools were crowded, but oh well.

  • Žarko Radulović

    Žarko Radulović


    A really really good experience that would be so much better if the chinks were evened out. You know, that thing where you actually can't complain, cause you had a great time and nothing was bad but also can't give an awesome review because some of the toilets at the pool were gross? But really, that's it. Just a tiny bit of effort would make a big difference

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