Ljubljana Resort Hotel & Camp -

SzlovéniaLjubljana Resort Hotel & Camp



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
270, Dunajska cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 1 589 01 30
weboldal: www.ljubljanaresort.si
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.097524, Longitude: 14.5190242

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Simon Jagla


    Camping site is too expensive for the offer

  • Nils Dussler

    Nils Dussler


    Very nice camping place! The best I've ever seen roundabout Ljubljana! The food was amazing!

  • Gabrielle Waite

    Gabrielle Waite


    Stayed at this campsite for two nights and was very disspointed by the standard of the toilet and shower blocks, they look as though they haven't been updated in about 20 years. The size of the pitch was quite good and the campsite was close to the centre with easy access using the bus. Price of swimming pool wasn't included in the stay and was quite expensive even after the 50 cents you get off using their voucher. The overall price of the campsite was very overpriced and the campsite itself is no where near the standard it should have been for this price.

  • elisenda rovira

    elisenda rovira


    Avoid this place if you can. The camp is noisy at nights and the toilets not very clean. But the main problem is that people at the reception are very rude. They made us paid for the full stay without taking into account the money we had paid in advance. They didn't give us back the money we had already paid. Also, for some hours the electricity didn't work but they charged us the full price for it. There was a night party at the pool with very loud music until midnight. To visit Ljubljana I would recommend to stay in a campsite in the outskirts and drive to the city for the day, as distances in Slovenia are small.

  • Shaun



    Stayed one night in a campervan. They had plenty of space available, although some people may need a long extension cord to reach the electricity points as there only seemed to be one per row. The recreational facilities were great, with a huge pool, basic gym, football, beach volleyball courts. Amenities for guests were all located to the back of the camp, location wise it was alright for us, but some may prefer smaller amenities placed around the camp.

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