Museum of Illusions a Ljubljana

SloveniaMuseum of Illusions



🕗 orari di apertura

13, Kongresni trg, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 320 54 66
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.049623, Longitude: 14.5034037

commenti 5

  • Gavin McGinty

    Gavin McGinty


    We loved this highly interactive museum, perfect for kids 5+. Some of the exhibits are just a collection of classic Optical Illusion posters, but there are some great large pieces, including the 'Infinity Room' and the 'Vortex Tunnel'. Overall it's probably 30-45 minutes to do the whole thing, but still good value.

  • Valentina



    It was ok, a lot of stuff on the wall is taken from internet so nothing new. But infinity room and other stuff was really cool. And also if you like mind games is the perfect way to end the tour, to challenge your friends with them there or to buy them to take them home.

  • en

    Gregor Findlay


    Good location and accessible by public transport. Staff were friendly and spoke very good English! The entrance fee was expensive considering the relative size of the museum. Was only two floors with limited interactive illusions. No more than a 30 minute visit needed. But still good to visit if weather turns bad.

  • en

    Vanessa Rudzinski


    This is a small, quick little museum, but so much fun! My husband and I got some great photos and we had a lot of fun going through. It would be a great museum for kids, too.

  • Patrice Schaufelberger

    Patrice Schaufelberger


    It was a fun experience but I don't feel that it was worth the 9 euro that we paid per person. All the pictures on the wall you can find online. There were two very neat experiments but apart from that nothing special.

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