National Gallery i Ljubljana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienNational Gallery



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24, Prešernova cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 1 241 54 34
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0540805, Longitude: 14.5003026

kommentar 5

  • Miles Macdonald

    Miles Macdonald


    A great gallery for classical paintings some of them needing some restoration as the backgrounds have become quite dark as particles have got into the canvas over the years. Free lockers downstairs to leave your hand bags.

  • Milan Novak

    Milan Novak


    Najboljše urejena galerija v mestu.

  • Nadia Armstrong

    Nadia Armstrong


    Beautiful space, and interesting collection of Slovenian artists and scenes of landscapes, domestic life and religious art. Tiepolo etchings exhibit was touching and well presented, giving much insight into the artists process. P. S lovely cafe.

  • en

    Anna B


    Amazing museum! Our visit to the National Gallery was simply wonderful. This place is beautiful and full of unexpected treasures. The staff was really friendly too, so overall we spent three great hours here. I strongly recommend this museum to all art lovers :-)

  • Gianluca Bertoncelli

    Gianluca Bertoncelli


    Definito come uno dei migliori musei sloveni!

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