Poslovni sistem Mercator d.d. a Brezovica pri Ljubljani

SloveniaPoslovni sistem Mercator d.d.



🕗 orari di apertura

2, Podpeška cesta, 1351, Brezovica pri Ljubljani, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 360 19 10
sito web: www.mercator.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0238264, Longitude: 14.4172026

commenti 5

  • Mojca B.

    Mojca B.


    I would rather recommend the shop Eurospin nearby.

  • Erlander



    This is a little supermarket, where you can find every kind of food and drinks that you need. The shop is neat and i could give it at least 4 stars just for that. But every shop is basically the same and the only difference between them is mainly the so called "human factor" - the people who work there. I visited this shop only once and it was an experience i really didn't like. The "human touch" was very much a missing item in this shop. The members of the staff were mostly cold, unfriendly and some of them also rude. That is the reason for only 1 star in my review. Because shops are not about the items that are sold there but they are about people. I hope that you will have a more pleasant time in shopping here than i had. They will never ever see me again here, that's for sure.

  • Rok Žgajnar

    Rok Žgajnar


    Super postrežba👍

  • Alpski Hrvat

    Alpski Hrvat


    They have for me all i need. Have all normal things and popular Slovene magazines

  • Tianyi Xu

    Tianyi Xu


    The price does not match the label.

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