Postojna Cave -

SzlovéniaPostojna Cave



🕗 Nyitva tartás

30, Jamska cesta, 6230, Postojna, SI Slovenia
érintkezés telefon: +386 5 700 01 00
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 45.7830298, Longitude: 14.2038417

hozzászólások 5

  • Brittany Musielak

    Brittany Musielak


    Highly recommend visiting here. The tours take about 1.5 hours, 30 minutes on a train and 1 hour of walking. It is chilly in the saves so dress in layers. Wear non-slip shoes as well because the walking paths get a bit damp. Be aware the tours leave at certain times, so we arrived at 4 but had to wait until 5 for the next tour. There is a small parking lot nearby, I think we paid about 5 Euro to park for 3ish hours.

  • Trey



    Cave was huge and interesting. Great formations and variety. Tour was a total of 1.5 hours. 10 minutes on electric train going about 2km. Then 1 hour of walking for about 1km, then back on the train to the surface again. The cave has been very modified and seems to crank through a lot of people. Couldn't help but wonder how badly this has all impacted the ecosystem and cave itself. Have been to other caves and caverns where far more care has been taken to minimize the impact of humans. Among the train, underground concerts, and generally altered cave itself, it made me feel sad for the cave ecosystem and sorry I was part of it.

  • Wendy Schneider

    Wendy Schneider


    Awesome! Simply wonderful! The train takes you about 2 kilometres into the cave, then there is a one and a half kilometre walk where the guide stops periodically to provide information and point out features of the cave. The only thing that would have made it better was a slower pace so we could have had more time to appreciate the amazing formations.

  • en

    Carla Guerrini


    At Postojna Caves organization is optimum. Personnel is available at the entrance and at the ticket box to explain you the different possibilities you have for your visit. We liked the caves but in particular the guide, lovely and prepared. A guide is available for each of the following languages: Italian, English, French, German, Slovenian, Spanish etc. There are many cafes where you can have lunch suitable to the different requirements. Around you find a nice park where you can sit and rest. It's worth going

  • Andre Barreto

    Andre Barreto


    Fantastic caves with very good tourist support. The visit to the caves begins with a train ride (5-10 minute duration) followed by a walk along the paths. You can have an audio-guide or follow a guide (Slovenian, English, Italian, and two other languages) that explains the main features of the cave. They have a small aquarium inside the cave where you can see some cave salamanders. If you want to see more animals, they have a Vivarium. Definitely it's worth a visit.

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