Slovenian Tourist Information Centre (STIC) a Ljubljana

SloveniaSlovenian Tourist Information Centre (STIC)



🕗 orari di apertura

10, Krekov trg, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Słowenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 306 45 75
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0510381, Longitude: 14.5103933

commenti 5

  • en

    Portia Ceruti


    I guess if the point of working here is to be disdainful to tourists then they are spot on, otherwise they need some training in how to be helpful! Went in to ask about parking this morning & she pointed out everything we did wrong but wasn’t helpful at all in telling us what we did need to do!! Even when we specifically asked her. Maybe she didn’t know, but she wasn’t very nice or helpful about it!

  • Renata Stankova

    Renata Stankova


    If you visit Ljubljana for no more than a few days, make sure to visit the tourist center to get quick ideas of places you can visis, both in the city and outside of it. And don't forget to get a Ljubljana tourist card for free entrance to more than 20 attractions.

  • Luis Sanz

    Luis Sanz


    Lugar interesante donde se facilita información turística de Ljubljana. Ojo, porque no es la única oficina de informaión turística. Hay otra más pequeña justo al cruzar los tres Puentes enfrente de la Plaza de Preseren, pero esta cuenta con dos ordenadores con conexión a Internet e impresora a disposición de la gente que lo necesite, aunque no es gratis, sólo cuesta 1€/hora y cada página impresa cuesta 0,10€.

  • V.E. Monfalcone

    V.E. Monfalcone


    Biuro informacji turystycznej. Płatny dostęp do komputera, możliwość wydruku.

  • Yuanxiao Xu

    Yuanxiao Xu


    This review is only wrt the guided city tour. Firstly, the lady that handed us our tourist cards didn't tell us we had to get tickets for the tour (instead of just presenting the cards), even though we asked a couple of times what we needed for the guided tour. Secondly, we didn't enjoy the tour. We participated in several tours during our stay in Slovenia, and this was by far the worst. The guide seemed nervous and too eager to please (which didn't come off as genuine), spent way too much time talking about sports, and insinuated we should tip him. We were very bored by the tour and only stayed with the group to be polite. I would recommend you find other ways to enjoy the city. We didn't learn anything worthwhile from the tour other than that the Slovenian basketball team is good (which is not a surprise given how strong team sports was in Yugoslavia).

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