Štorja pod stopnicami v Postojna

SlovenijaŠtorja pod stopnicami



🕗 odpiralni čas

2, Cankarjeva ulica, 6230, Postojna, SI Slovenia
kontakti telefon: +386 599 27898
spletna stran: www.storja.si
večji zemljevid in navodila
Latitude: 45.7743892, Longitude: 14.214371

mnenja 5

  • Veronika Haagen

    Veronika Haagen


    We have quickly looked on TripAdvisor and decided to go to this restaurant after visit of Postojnska jama. Food was good, nicely presented, but taste wise not spectacular. The waiter was not really enthusiastic, but no problem... We all have sometimes a bad day, right? Price very acceptable, we paid €51 for 1 starter, 4 mains and drinks.

  • Freyja Pryce

    Freyja Pryce


    Popped in for dinner as there were such good reviews and we weren’t disappointed. Had a lovely meal, both the waitress and waiter were very friendly and asked us about our trip and suggested places to visit.

  • Oliver Wollner

    Oliver Wollner


    Very nice restaurant. The staff is friendly and the food amazing. Very recommendable

  • en

    Adrian Tierney


    For starters my colleague chose the porcini mushroom soup whilst I opted for the beef broth with noodles. These were accompanied by mountains of thickly cut fresh bread. My main the karst chicken was a tour de force and I would have gladly eaten the roast potatoes as dish on their own. My colleague had the pork fillet with karst bacon served on a bed of seasonal roasted vegetables. We washed it down with ice cold union beer. Staff were efficient and very helpful. Heartily recommend if passing through this area

  • Corvin Juganaru

    Corvin Juganaru


    This place was pretty disappointing. After all of the excellent reviews, we were really looking forward to it. The service was abysmal: they didn't bring us a drink menu, they plopped the cutlery down on a plate and never took it away, no effort was made to see how the food was, and they didn't speak to us after the food was dropped in front of us except to offer us a bill. The goulash was unbelievably bland and when mixed with the gnocchi it was not a nice experience. My wife's steak sandwich was apparently much better. Maybe today was an off day; regardless, I won't be coming back. After the response from the owner, I am downgrading our review to one star. We entered the premises and made sure to say hello in Slovenian which is not our native language, then were guided to a dirty table by a surly waiter who did not offer us any suggestions regarding drinks or direct us to the bar. Furthermore we were treated like we did not belong there or deserve the attention of the waitstaff. I had to get up from the table and go to the bar in order to receive our bill after waiting for our plates to be taken. Is there any reason we should have purchased more from your restaurant, given the the way we had been treated? It is the responsibility of owners to accept constructive criticism and improve. By blaming the experience on me you're showing that this is something you're not capable of.

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