The House of experiments v Ljubljana

SlovenijaThe House of experiments



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39, Trubarjeva cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakti telefon: +386 1 300 68 88
spletna stran:
večji zemljevid in navodila
Latitude: 46.052616, Longitude: 14.51088

mnenja 5

  • Janez Debevec

    Janez Debevec


    A lot of fun for children and adults.

  • Andrej Gobec

    Andrej Gobec


    Awesome experience for kids and and adults alike. Around 60 experiments that teach laws of physics and natural phenomena in a fun and understandable way. Highly recommended for everyone!

  • Sebastian Diel

    Sebastian Diel


    Perfect place for all ages. 4 year old girl was fascinated by soap bubbles and mirror tricks, mum loved the variety of interesting experiments and even dad (physics teacher) learned some new tricks. Staff helpful and friendly. Information available in several languages. Absolutely recommended.

  • en

    E-Beth Sokolowski


    So much fun. Rebekah was wonderful and explained things to us. We really enjoyed the balance station and nail bed as well as bubbles. There is a lot to do. I would recommend a couple of hours.

  • en

    Jamie Cairney


    If you are visiting Ljubljana with kids, this is the place to come! I took my 11 year old daughter here and we spent hours enjoying the myriad of wonderful exhibits. She thoroughly enjoyed it. Each 'experiment' is beautifully made, demonstrating clear ideas and theory and will get your imagination whirring. I was really impressed by the high level of workmanship and effort that has clearly gone into each exhibit. Your child will want to spend plenty of time on them all. The staff are lovely, speak excellent English and even put on a little demo when we visited on a Saturday. As far as I'm aware it's only open on weekends to the public. We're from London and we found this to be much more interesting and cleaner than the huge Science Museum there.

najbližja Muzej

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