Wine bar, wine shop, Ales Cebasek s.p. a Radovljica

SloveniaWine bar, wine shop, Ales Cebasek s.p.



🕗 orari di apertura

8, Linhartov trg, 4240, Radovljica, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 4 531 50 71
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.341322, Longitude: 14.174503

commenti 5

  • Vanda Sos

    Vanda Sos


    Amazing wine bar with great atmosphere. I could drink and chat here all day long. Very friendly sommelier, who explains you perfectly the wine, chese. The right right place to be.

  • Jason Kreiselman

    Jason Kreiselman


    Wow! What a wonderful find in the lovely town of Radovljica. I wandered in and was able to taste five Slovenian wines and enjoy a delicious board of local cheeses, olive oil, and cured meats. The woman in the shop was extremely knowledgeable and friendly, and even gave me a free taste of two other wines to illustrate the flavor profile of some local varietals. Highly recommended!

  • David Lill

    David Lill


    Excellent service with full explanations as to the origins and taste of the wines and food which was much appreciated. The wines, meats and cheeses are all as local as possible and quality is seriously good. To top it off the prices are such that the value is unbeatable. Definitely worth a visit, my advice would be to ask for a dinner spread and spend a few hours enjoying the different wines of Slovenia. 5 star experience.

  • Alex Kirkpatrick

    Alex Kirkpatrick


    We did the wine tasting and it was fantastic. They give you 5 wines, all from Slovenia and will change the selection based on your taste. The woman who served us was quite knowledgeable and friendly. You also get Slovenian prosciutto and a selection of local cheeses. There is also Slovenian olive oil, which tastes different than most others I've had. We took our time with the tasting and didn't feel rushed at all. Highly recommend.

  • Sean G

    Sean G


    Great experience. We did the wine tasting which consisted of 5 different Slovenian wines, bread, local cheese, and local prosciutto. The food and wine were excellent and the staff was very friendly and accommodating. A table of town people even invited us over to drink and dine with them. Price is very reasonable and we even purchased another extra bottle of wine.

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