ZOOTIC a Ljubljana




🕗 orari di apertura

Šmartinska cesta 152 g, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 51 354 632
sito web: www.zootic.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0682176, Longitude: 14.5461394

commenti 5

  • it

    Gianluca Fabio Fossati


    Molta varietà di prodotti per animali. Disponibili anche roditori pesciolini e pappagallini. Esche da pesca. Tutto con prezzi nella norma

  • en

    Jernej Bavdek


    In this store I've had one of the worst shopping experiences. Not only that they sell malfunctioned goods, their saleswoman had some kind of patronizing attitude about it. I was looking for a flashing safety collar for my dog and in store they only have »VIVID FLASHING SAFETY COLLAR« products by the Company of Animals (check out other reviews on the internet about this product). So I picked one of the collars and pressed the ON/OFF button through wrapping and said to the seller: »But it's not working.« And she said: »Probably the batteries are turned upside down so the customers wouldn't be trying like this all the time.« I bought one of the collars, precharged like it says on the wrappings and realized that it is still not working. I called to the store, told them that, on which I got the response: »But did the seller tell you there's the clearence sale on these products and that it might not work?« Since when is selling off products equal to »product might not work« and why would I buy such a product if there's like 50/50 chance that it might not work? So the next day I paid them a visit, the seller fulfilled the reclamation and they said I'll be hearing from them in a couple of days, probably in Friday. Friday afternoon came, no call, I called them, they said their reclamation department is still solving the case. Oh, and about the batteries in the collar. There are no batteries and there is actually no room for batteries in this collar, the flashing is running only on some kind of condenser on board. So the saleswoman bluntly lied about it. Today it has been 20 days since I demanded my money back and since the seller fullfilled the reclamation... 20 days and counting...

  • en

    Gasper Ovcak


    Good pet store

  • Gabrijel Bejić

    Gabrijel Bejić


    Do you need anything for your pet? This is the best place to go and get it.

  • Nejc Zalar

    Nejc Zalar


    Really nice staff and lots of pet food selection. They have rally cute animals here :)

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