Cacao Ljubljana i Ljubljana

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SlovenienCacao Ljubljana



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3, Petkovškovo nabrežje, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 1 430 17 71
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.0515826, Longitude: 14.5070855

kommentar 5

  • Carolin - Marlen

    Carolin - Marlen


    The best experience you can have for breakfast! The Mango Bowl and the Sirov-Sandwich were DELICIOUS!! We also had several smoothies and other sandwiches and we were just amazed. But aside all the great food you get, I really have to mention, that I never ever before had such kind, helpful and professional staff. They helped us get our tables (which was not easy as we were 14 people) and made everything they could to make us happy. It was a wonderful experience and all of us were more than delighted with food & service. EXCELLENT!

  • Mandy S.

    Mandy S.


    Very popular cafe among local. Huge variety of chocolate drink. If u r cacao lover,u should not miss it !!! Great view of castle and st. Nikolas church .upstairs.reasonable price for this good quality of cake and drink. All cake look delicious and I tried two, both are delicious. Fast wifi available.Water is provided. Efficient service with friendly waiters.

  • Math Tutor

    Math Tutor


    A nice place for a good coffee or ice cream. It is in the center of Ljubljana, by the river Ljubljanica. It is open all year round. Over the summer it gets very busy, however still nice place for coffee, ice cream, lemonade, desert...

  • Tijana Kozar

    Tijana Kozar


    Lovely place for a coffee, good cake or ice cream. Kind but confused waiters, great place for sitting during the day in the sun or at night enjoying the surrounding views.

  • Petri Huhtinen

    Petri Huhtinen


    Wide selection of cakes, ice-cream and hot drinks. It was not easy to choose only one. The ones we tried were very good. 😊

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