Prulček - live music venue i Ljubljana

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SlovenienPrulček - live music venue



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2, Prijateljeva ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.0439249, Longitude: 14.5084753

kommentar 5

  • Bojan Brajkovic

    Bojan Brajkovic


    Cosy independent concert place with a lot of programme

  • konstantin kuzmanovski

    konstantin kuzmanovski


    One of the best places to grab a casual beer and listen to live music! The place is usually full, but not overcrowded and they have - in advance - a weekly repertoire with live performances almost every night.

  • jure erzin

    jure erzin


    Small place but with a soul, a lot of good concerts were in it and its cheap too...

  • Miha Zakotnik

    Miha Zakotnik


    Dive bar with Live music and quite special place when compared with the rest bars in old Town. At the moment listening qeens of the stone age music style. The place has nice vibes and also is suitable for disabled people who use wheelchair with little assistance because of double door entrance. Next door is a contemporary dance theatre of Ljubljana. This place is on so called the friend Street meaning that in this place you will establish new friendships. Enjoy your stay here!

  • Pavel Fedorovskiy

    Pavel Fedorovskiy


    Started as a local bar. Now it's a nice bar with interesting live music but its still a local. Good sound, nice staff and wide choice of beer and shots. Be hurry the bar is located in middle of living district so this music will not last forever. (11-12 pm maximum)

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